First Trapped Bees
Some time about June15, 2011 caught this
swarm. Moved them on July 1.
![Top Bar Bee Hive door](FB2.jpg)
We captured a swarm of bees last week and today we put them into their
new home.
New Top Bar Bee hive open and ready for the Sycamore Bees.
Lighting the Smoker.
![First comb](FB6.jpg)
Opening the trap I did not know what to expect. Our first comb
goes into the new Top Bar Hive.
The combs keep on coming, full of Honey and Bees.
![old cut out comb](FB10.jpg)
The zip ties hold old comb to bate the trap, they cleaned it and have
honey stores in it already, about 10 days.
I could not believe it.
All in all, we got 4lbs of bees and 7 combs.
A small reward. Closing up.
![Top Bar hive](FB18.jpg)
Yummy! Set to be left alone for a while.
3 weeks later.
A shelf added to keep them from falling into the soapy water bug traps.
The girls done with this freeloading Drone have escorted it outside and
removed some of it's leg parts.